So this funny little thing happened!!!

I thought I was going to write this blog and be done with it but you know what?! I totally screwed off today! I didn't write a thing. Barely checked my email and just planted my ass in front of the TV and vegged out!

BUT I did want to post something to my blog today because hell it would suck to totally flub a schedual and then not post anything! So I dug around and found my WalMart rant! It's a few years old but folks seemed to have fun with it so I thought that I'd share!!!

My little rant/story begins with a run in with my 18 year old in the doorway of my kitchen BEFORE my first cup of coffee. Where I was randomly assaulted by his teenage angst over finding the perfect Christmas present for girlfriend (of the week), while trying to side step the kid because coffee was calling my name. My ears were then exposed to his less then generous take on the commercialism of the holiday. Did I mention that there was coffee? My perfect coffee maker that automatically spits out mana from the gods at my preordained time and it was DONE….He continued with the exaggerated disgust at the prices that he’ll be forced to pay! IE: I’ll be forced to pay! To which I could only blink bleary eyes at him and respond with…

 So does this mean that I can take YOUR stuff back? You know… So that I am not feeding into the capitalistic, commercialized horror that IS freaking Christmas and there for NOT adding insult to your delicate sensibilities… Never mind that the season is supposed to be a representation of good will and generosity to our family and friends.

To which he replied… Just kidding Mom… Later I hear him telling his brother that Mom’s grouchy…

Did I mention that this was all before coffee?

Once coffee was properly worshipped, appreciated, and drank by the gallons I had gotten a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach… This meant a trip to the stores…God help me!

WalMart the great American institute of low prices and great deals… Or are they? Personally I have come to the conclusion that they are the tools of the devil, ESPECIALLY Super Wal-Marts. We really need to send Sam and Dean in to find out!!!

Let me begin with the parking lot Vultures… In reality they are equivalent to Cerberus (the monstrous three headed dog that guards the gates of Hades, for all you non-readers of Greek mythology)… These are the demented (usually silver haired) fools that will spend HOURS cruising the parking lot of the local  WalMart waiting to get a parking spot as close as they can get to the door. Personally I live to torment them and this is how…

I am good to the parking lot fairies, angels whatever you want to call them. Yep you heard me… I ask for a good spot and I get a good spot. It just goes to show how a simple please and thank you can go a long way! Anyway I will wait until a vulture sees me. You can almost smell their excitement but I will sit with my foot resting on my brake pedal (This draws them faster than throwing chum in shark infested waters). By now I have cleaned out my purse, listened to a few songs… You know screwed off until I see them in the rear view mirror. They’re bang their hands on the steering wheels; occasionally make obscene gestures (my personal favorite), and when they are totally red in the face. I shut the car off and head inside… I know evil right?

 When you find yourself finally entering the halls of Hades **cough, cough ** I meant Wal-Mart. The door greeter usually descends to assault you… I am not sure what kind of hiring process goes on to boast having the exalted job of WalMart door greeter nor am I exactly sure how this might be of future aid on a resume but they seem to find the crankiest, meanest, person who possesses the vocal capabilities of shattering glass with their high pitched nasally voice to tell you “Welcome to Wal-Mart”. Like they really mean it…

Do not be daunted my dear friends because I know who these harpies are… In reality they are Odin’s ravens Lugin and Munin from the Tree of Life! If you slow down, stop, or pause in the doorway they will descend upon you and pluck your eyes from your heads!!! God forbid you have a return… (Insert shudder)

 Now that you have navigated the dangers of parking lot vultures and door manning harpies, you should be able to enjoy the shopping experience right? NO!!!! I have not even begun to cover the events of which could occur amongst the seemingly innocent isles!!!

 The other day I dashed into WalMart intent on picking up one or two items. This is how the evil begins! It is virtually IMPOSSIABLE to just grab one or two items and make a clean and expedient escape.

 I am also convinced they hired morons to randomly wander the isles of the stores. Do not let these morons fool you! They are cunning I tell you!!! Cunning!!! Their sole purpose is to stop in the middle of the isle thus forcing the people behind them to come to a sudden halt! They then have the nerve to fuss at a child, examine an object on a shelf, or worse run into someone they know, the whole while they leaving their cart to block the walkway. Now these MORONS do serve a purpose other than to throw up a sudden roadblock or is that an isle block. Anyway, they cunningly divert you from your chosen path and force you to take side isles.

While this may seem innocent enough you may suddenly find yourself contemplating the merits of a toilet bowl plunger with the handy dandy acrylic handle for the super low price of $15.95. Who the heck needs an acrylic toilet bowl plunger?! ANYWAY, like I said MORONS.

 While on the subject of morons, just whose bright idea is it to let a child push a cart? I know you’ve seen these hell possessed little monsters… They’re the ones that can barely see through the spokes of the shopping carts. The shopping carts that always inevitably find its way to the back of my ankle with enough force that I am hobbling. So as par my luck I am lame, muttering under my breath about the benefits of boarding schools, when who do I run into? A really, really cute guy.

 A really cute guy who is staring at you like you have grown a third head because you are hunched over your shopping cart, limping, glaring at a chubby face angel/ Satan’s spawn, and hoping that the tooth fairy dies before this kid gets a penny from her. Just what is wrong with a regular wooden toilet bowl plunger anyway?

 So heed my warnings kiddies, Wal-Marts and more specifically Super Wal-Marts are the tools of the devil. Take a look at the smiley SOB… He even looks maniacal! Shop if you must but do it swiftly!!!

 Take the time to annoy the parking lot vultures if nothing else for a little self-entertainment…

 Go in armed with rock salt and holy water. Let’s not forget the blessings of your local priest, pastor, rabbi, or whatever holy person that you need for prayers.

 Beware of the MORONS!!! They are out to get you!

 Dodge little kids pushing shopping carts but keep a weathered eye out for the parents that snap and beat their children in public places… That’s always amusing…They are usually found around or near either the cereal aisle or the toy section.

 Oh on a side note one more little thing I have to share… I have a friend named… Well let’s just call her Sophia… She works as a cashier at my local Satan’s playground. She’s a beautiful young black girl, great skin, lovely dark eyes, and just as sweet as peach cobbler. She informed me the other night that there had been a male customer in his mid to late 30’s bugging her in a not so subtle or nice way to go out with him. So I asked her if she trusted me. She immediately gave me a skeptical and slightly nervous look.

 “Well,” she says. “I can’t afford to lose my job.”

 “No worries. Just follow along and trust me. When I’m done he’ll never bug you again!”

 Again with the skeptical and nervous look. I am still trying to figure that one out!

 Anyway Romeo unfailing gets in her line and out of politeness I move to the side and size this joker up. I continue our conversation, which was how her mother was doing. Did her brother go off to college you know the usual. I then asked her if she’d been to the doctors. Sophia froze in mid scan and stared at me. By now I have also gotten the attention of the would be Romeo.

 “You know about the rash?” I continued.

 “Um yeah,” she stutters out.

 “That’s great,” I grinned. “You can’t be too careful with things like that. Especially if you pass it along.”

 ROMEO never said one word to her but he did snatch up his bag and bolted towards the doors as if the hounds of Hades were after him. Sophia and I glanced at each other and just died laughing. It took ten minutes before I could see past the tears that were rolling down my face. I saw her this morning and she tells me that she has seen Romeo since but that he doesn’t come anywhere NEAR her. However the girl at the jewelry counter has to deal with him.


Thank you for shopping at WalMart and have a nice day!

edits... Edits... And more edits!


A few years ago I wrote a story for Big Bang. It was about a psychic living in New Orleans who meets and falls in love with a US Marshal. Anyway, my girlfriend, who is an editor, kept saying that I needed to revise it and submit it to her publishing house and if nothing else see what the head editor had to say about it.

So I sucked it up and did. Okay! Okay! My husband did! I had the cover letter written and everything they wanted in the email and I just couldn’t force myself to push the button to send. He walked up and asked if it was done and I told him it was but I was scared to send it! So he reached around me and hit the button. THEN he asked me where his balls- to- the wall bitch was he loved and married. He finished that off by telling me to grow a pair! I love that man!

They had great comments and useful suggestions but again I needed to go back revise and re-edit. When I heard other writers talking about writing as a process there was a certain part of me that thought that it sounded a bit like bullshit. I mean you wrote a story right? Sure there would need to be edits to make sure that commas were in the right spot but you got your ideas out on paper, so to speak. What more is there?

There is stuff like story flow, characterization, and plot. What I was told was I needed to make up my mind about my story. Was it going to be a romance with action elements vs. an adventure with romantic elements?

I’ve gone back and basically re-wrote the story using about 50% of the original content. Using the suggestions that the head editor made, I made sure that I got those suggestions in the story. For the record ANY writer that doesn’t take the advice of an editor is a fucking idiot! These people aren’t here to tell you WHAT to write just HOW to write better so your books will SELL!

I guess the point of this particular blog is to say that while the main part of writing may seem done it never really is. My particular story was edited for Big Bang. Then it got edited for submission and now it’s going through a third edit for a second submission. That’s not including the edits that it is going to have to go through if it gets picked up by this particular publishing group. Why so many edits? I am proud of my writing. This is a tiny bit of me going out into the world and I want it to be the best it can be.

 You HAVE to go back revise/ rewrite and for the love of god, trust your writing group to say that yeah it’s good. Your writing group may like it; your editors will turn what is good into something great if you listen!

Just saying hi!

Welcome to my new blog! I realize that many of you may know absolutely nothing about me but that's okay. I know nothing about any of you, too. I was actually urged several months ago to start blogging but in the back of my mind I had to wonder what the heck I was going to write about.

So if you're looking for the meaning of life guess what? Me TOO! I have no deep, prefatory revelations to share and more than likely what I'll share here are the little things that are going on in my life, home, kids, reading, and what I'm writing.

Yep, you read that right! I write. Sometimes badly and sometimes I can sit back a go wow! That was pretty good. Hopefully you guys will let me know when it is good!
Copyright © RJ Gough